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The Radio Vagabond

Feb 28, 2017

I go to one of the wildest party streets in the world with ladyboys, prostitutes, ping-pong-shows, gogo bars and children preforming for pennies. 

And then I also go to visit an orphanage - The Father Ray Foundation that is a total contrast to Walking Street. Both in Pattaya in Thailand. 

Feb 17, 2017

I spent only a few days in Kuala Lumpur but two weeks on the island of Langkawi. 

Join me playing badminton in KL with one host, getting my ass kicked and talking functional chocolate, religion and much more with my second host. And getting attacked by a monkey.

Feb 10, 2017

Today I’m probably talking to the worlds the first digital nomads. Carou Llou and Michel from Montreal Canada started their location independent lifestile more than 22 years ago in 1994. 
I met them at their temporary apartment in Chiang Mai, Thailand for a talk about their favourite countries around the world and...